Memberships & Studio Policies

Which path will you choose?
Drop-ins are available across all of our programs for $35 per class. After four classes students are required to purchase their own gear required for their perspective program. Students who do not purchase gear will pay a $5 gear rental fee for each visit. Our membership options allow students to save money on their training getting class value as low as $18 per visit. Open floor is available to non-members for $10 for drop-in fee.
You can start and cancel your membership at any time. No contracts!
Ready for your free class?
Pick your program and fill out a form. One of our team members will get back you you asap with available dates and times for your free class.

Studio Policy & Gear Requirements
No outdoor shoes in training space. Please change your shoes in the office or locker area before training. Students will also have the option to clean the bottoms of shoes before training.
No filming during regular classes and lessons. Filming is only permitted in stunt classes and Guild Hours.
Athletic attire is required to train. Fencers must be wearing sweats or fencing knickers.
No food or beverages in training space. Only water. Please bring your own water bottles.
All students must sign in and pay before entering the training space.
No children under the age of 16 in the stunt area or near the weapons rack without coach supervision.
Students borrowing weapons during Guild Hours will be required to leave ID up front.
Students must wear all the proper safety gear before participating in various program activities.
Keep pointed weapons facing down at all time unless instructed by a coach otherwise.
Aluminum stunt weapons can only fight with aluminum weapons for fight choreography.
Swordplay LA is not responsible for any equipment that may be left in the space overnight.
Parents are not allowed on the fencing strips at any point.
No children under the age of 16 in the fitness area without coach supervision.
Please put all weights and equipment back where you found it.
Used fencing gear is to get cleaned and put away.